Frequently Asked Questions
I cannot copy my panoramas to the camera roll.
iOS asks for your authorization to let any app access the camera roll. If you said no, you may revert your choice: get out of the app and open the Device Settings, privacy, photos.
I tap the "start" button, start rotating, but the Yin Yang symbols don't move.
Once the Yin meets the Yang, you need to wait for the picture to snap as shown in this video.
I cannot tap the "start" button, it is grayed.
You need to hold the device vertical. Yes, *straight* vertical.
I tap the "start" button and nothing happens.
After you tap on "start", you need to start rotating your device.
I tap the "start" button, start rotating, but the other pictures are not taken.
Once the Yin meets the Yang, you need to wait a little bit until the green gauge fills up. The waiting time depends on the quantity of light in the scene. In a very sunny situation, pictures are taken almost instantly.
How much should I turn?
As much as you want. You can take two pictures only, or make a full 360 degree panorama. You can stop by tapping the "stop" icon, tilting the device into landscape mode or by making a full 360 degree turn. The blue indicator inside the Yin-yang symbols shows how wide your panorama will be.
The panorama is not closed correctly at 360 degrees.
There are errors in the result.
You should turn around the device, and not let the device turn around you. This is very important. You have to imagine that the device is fixed on a tripod! Avoid tilting the device, the Yin and Yang should be facing each others, with the same size. Keep practicing, start with shiny outdoors, they are the easiest and best panoramas to capture.
Why can't I shoot in landscape mode?
Portrait mode gives a wider vertical field of view.
I would like to capture a building, or a tree. Why do you force me to rotate horizontally?
Why can't I shoot in all directions (up-down and left-right) to make a spherical panorama?
This is a built-in limitation of this app.
I paid for the HD option and now I have to repay to install it on my other device!
In the app settings you can restore in-app purchases. If it does not work, complete the payment process. After you enter your Apple ID, the system will recognize your previous purchase and won't charge you again.
Can you explain what the exposure settings mean?
auto: each picture has a different exposure value,
locked: when you select this option (before starting to shoot), the exposure is locked at this moment and for all the images of the panorama being shot,
based on the light available when you locked the exposure,
locked on start: the exposure is locked like the previous option, but at first shot.
I would like to delete my online panoramas and/or change their privacy settings.
You can do it from the app. If you have uploaded an anonymous panorama and would like to delete it, flag it from the app and we will process it within 3 business days.
I would like to report a panorama for abusive content or copyright infringement.
You can do this in the app. Please read our Terms of Service.
I love/hate your app!
Please leave us a review on the Store.
My rating was bad because...
We cannot answer the reviews, so if you would like to know why the app didn't work the way it is advertised, feel free to contact us, we will be more than pleased to answer you.
Your name is weird.
It means "All around" in Lebanese.
I cannot find your app on the App Store.
Our app is not available in all countries.
You people are cool. We would like to invest/collaborate/have a beer.
You are most welcome. Just send us a message and we will contact you.